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September 2024

Format on Tour!

Nach sommerlichen Ausflügen zu leuchtend roten Erdbeer­feldern und Himbeer­büschen waren wir im September unterwegs im Alten Land und haben für unseren Kunden HofWerte Apfel­höfe besucht. Wir durften bei der Ernte dabei sein, haben viele engagierte Obstbauern getroffen und spannende Einblicke hinter die Kulissen erhalten. Bald gibt’s mehr dazu unter!

August 2024

Schick, schick!

Pünktlich zur Bekanntgabe der Strategieschärfung und Fokussierung auf Maritime und Energy Infrastructure durften wir auch der Website der MPC Capital AG einen neuen Look geben: Auf präsentiert der global agierende Investment und Asset Manager für Infrastrukturprojekte sich und seine Projekte im modernen Design.

Juli 2024

Der FOKUS 2024 ist online!

Wie immer darin auf den Punkt gebracht: Aktuelle Informationen und Handlungs­empfehlungen zur Sozial­politik. Die Daten, Grafiken und Erkennt­nisse der zehn sozial­politischen Handlungs­felder sind in diesem Jahr erstmals rein digital aufbereitet – der nächste Schritt, um komplexe Informations­lagen einfach zugänglich und nutzbar für alle zu machen!

Juni 2024

Druckfrisch auf den Tisch

Die neue Ausgabe der Zertus News ist da! Mit spannenden Insights und inspirierenden Erfolgsgeschichten aus der Unternehmensgruppe, die in der Foodbranche unterwegs ist. Das Schreiben und Gestalten des zweisprachigen (de/en) Mitarbeitermagazins hat jede Menge Spaß gemacht … und Appetit!

Mai 2024

Happy Birthday myTime!

Das Kundenmagazin von Combi und famila wird 18 Jahre - und das wird mit einer extratollen Mai-Ausgabe gefeiert. Die Redaktion hat sich ordentlich ins Zeug gelegt und präsentiert unter anderem ein Best-of-Rezepte der letzten Jahre. Ob herzhaft, süß oder süffig – etwa 4.600 Rezepte haben wir in den vergangenen Jahren für die myTime aufbereitet!

März 2024

Vom Industrieanlagenbauer zum Innovationsführer – FERROSTAAL

Für unseren Kunden FERROSTAAL haben wir im März mit dem Livegang der neuen Website die umfassende Neuaufstellung als führender Projekt­integrator im aufstrebenden Wasserstoff­sektor vollzogen. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Management erarbeiteten wir die Vision, Mission und Werte des Unter­nehmens und übersetzten diese in einen dynamischen, neuen Marken­auftritt, der Tradition und Moderne vereint. So präsentiert sich das überarbeitete Logo ikonisch und modern mit einem verkürzten Bogen über dem Schrift­zug, der symbolisch aufgreift, dass FERROSTAAL als innova­tiver Integrations­dienstleister im Dekarbo­nisierungs­prozess Industrie- und Technologie­partner zusammenbringt. Parallel dazu wurde der Webauftritt von FERROSTAAL komplett über­arbeitet. Mit neuen Inhalten, Dienst­leistungen und einem hoch­wertigen Gestaltungs- und Bildkonzept bietet die neue Website Kunden und Partnern eine Plattform für Information und Austausch.

März 2024

Impulsvortrag Digital Publishing –
Bundesweites Sozialplanungstreffen

Bei einem Treffen von Sozialplanenden, das Expertinnen und Experten aus sozialen Dienstleistungen, Kommunen, Politik, Wissenschaft, Kreisverwaltung sowie Mitglieder diverser Arbeits- und Fokusgruppen aus dem gesamten Bundesgebiet zusammenführte, hielt Format Communications einen Impulsvortrag zum Thema Digital Publishing in der öffentlichen Verwaltung. Der Vortrag konzentrierte sich auf die Herausforderungen und Chancen, die digitale Veröffentlichungsprozesse für die Sozialplanung mit sich bringen, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Anschlussfähigkeit der generierten Daten und Informationen für politische Entscheidungsträger. Im Fokus standen effektive Strategien, mit denen die öffentliche Verwaltung digitale Technologien nutzen kann, um die Verfügbarkeit und Zugänglichkeit von Daten für eine fundierte politische Planung und Entscheidungsfindung zu verbessern.

Januar 2024

Redesign Karriereportal – MPC Capital

Join our team: Das neue Karriereportal von MPC Capital entstand in enger Zusammenarbeit mit unserem Kunden unter Verwendung bestehender Inhalte. Für den Relaunch haben wir den Content sorgfältig aktualisiert, das Design und die Nutzerführung modernisiert, um den heutigen digitalen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, und innovative neue Elemente eingeführt. Besonderes Augenmerk lag auf der Anpassung der Webseite an die Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen der jungen Zielgruppen, um eine ansprechende und intuitive Nutzererfahrung zu schaffen. Dieses Projekt des Employer Brandings unterstreicht unser Engagement für die Entwicklung zukunftsweisender digitaler Lösungen, die Marken und ihre Zielgruppen effektiv verbinden.

Dezember 2023

Publishing/ Transformation - Zertus News mit strategischer Neuausrichtung im Fokus

Unter dem Motto „Zusammen.Wachsen.“ beleuchtet die Winterausgabe der Zertus News die beiden Facetten dieses Begriffs – das gemeinsame wirtschaftliche Wachstum der Zertus-Gruppe sowie die Entwicklung der Mitarbeitenden zur Gemeinschaft und den Zusammenhalt der einzelnen Unternehmen, der ihre Stärke ausmacht. “Zusammen.Wachsen“ ist das Versprechen, auf dem Erfolg und Zukunft der Unternehmensgruppe aufbauen, und die Zertus News das Medium, das alle zusammenbringt und die Möglichkeit bietet, voneinander zu lernen und sich weiterzuentwickeln.

Dezember 2023

Rebranding Beteiligungsgesellschaft – Münchmeyer Petersen & Co.

Wir haben im Februar das ambitionierte Rebranding, die Repositionierung und das umfassende Redesign der Finanzholding MPC Holding zu Münchmeyer Petersen & Co. mit dem Go-live einer neuen Webseite abgeschlossen. Unser Team arbeitete eng mit der Geschäftsführung von Münchmeyer Petersen zusammen, um eine Markenidentität zu entwickeln, die den Übergang zu einer international agierenden Beteiligungsgesellschaft widerspiegelt und die Werte sowie die Vision des familiengeführten Unternehmens visuell zum Ausdruck bringt. Die Neugestaltung unterstreicht die Kernziele von Münchmeyer Petersen & Co.: eine führende Rolle in der globalen Beteiligungslandschaft einzunehmen und den Fokus auf nachhaltige und zukunftsorientierte Investitionen zu legen. Dieses Projekt ist ein schöner Beweis für die Expertise von Format Communications in der Schaffung wirkungsvoller Markenerlebnisse für erklärungsbedürftige Branchen, Themen und Unternehmen.

November 2023

Reporting ZERTUS - Erster Nachhaltigkeitsbericht der Zertus-Gruppe ist online! 

Mit der Erstellung eines eigenen ESG-Berichts untermauert unser Kunde Zertus sein Verantwortungsbewusstsein gegenüber der Umwelt sowie Unternehmen und Gesellschaften weltweit. Nachhaltigkeit entlang der gesamten Lebensmittel-Wertschöpfungskette zu fördern, ist das Ziel der Zertus-ESG-Strategie. Wir haben in enger Zusammenarbeit mit unserem Kunden das Konzept und Layout des ersten gruppenweiten, zweisprachigen (de/en) ESG-Berichts entwickelt und den Zertus-Webauftritt um das Thema Nachhaltigkeit erweitert. Ein spannendes Projekt für Format Communications im Bereich Unternehmensreporting.

September 2023

Branding Fondsbörse Deutschland - Neuer Handelsplatz für Spezial-AIF!

Im September startete unter Deutschlands neuer Handelsplatz für bislang illiquide Kapitalanlagen! Die Fondsbörse Private Markets gibt professionellen und semiprofessionellen Anlegern erstmals die Möglichkeit, sich veränderten Marktbedingungen anzupassen und ihre Portfolios effizient zu optimieren. Für unseren Kunden Fondsbörse Deutschland Beteiligungsmakler AG haben wir von der Namensfindung bis zur Positionierung den Markenauftritt der Fondsbörse Private Markets entwickelt, den Webauftritt konzipiert und Handels-Prozesse beschrieben. Zudem begleiten wir die weitere Kommunikation. Fondsbörse Private Markets sorgt für Liquidität in illiquiden Märkten – wir für einen Handelsplatz mit Format!

November 2022

Kreis Pinneberg & Format – Wir sind ausgezeichnet mit dem PR Report 2022

Das Daumendrücken hat sich gelohnt! Wir haben den PR Report 2022 gewonnen! Die App FOKUS PI des Kreis Pinneberg ist ausgezeichnet in der Kategorie „Technologie-basierte Kommunikation“. Ein unfassbar schönes Gefühl, was uns noch stärker motiviert die App weiterzuentwickeln, und so einen wichtigen Beitrag zur digitalisierten Sozialplanung der Zukunft zu leisten.  

November 2022

Kreis Pineberg & Format at PR Report Awards 2022

Today is the day, we are in Berlin at the PR Report Awards 2022! With the app "FOKUS PI", which we launched for the district of Pinneberg, we are competing in the category of technology-based communication. We are super excited!

September 2022

Screenfact Personality Analysis To-Go

A visual test that captures the subconscious facets of one's own personality in just five minutes: We developed the name and corporate design for the brand presence of the newly founded company Screenfact.

September 2022

Project completion SEKMA

We are happy about the conclusion of a great project in the healthcare sector! We designed the website ( for the SEKMA project (cross-sector discharge management) funded by the state of Schleswig-Holstein and were at the official closing event with all project participants in mid-September.

September 2022

App FOKUS PI - New financial graphics released!

The Tablet app of the Kreis Pinneberg "FOKUS PI" grows and grows! In September, we published the new interactive financial graphics in the app. Here, users can click through the social expenditures of the Kreis Pinneberg and view the annual developments of the most important social expenditures. We look forward to continuing to further develeop this great project and digitalize the social department of Pinneberg! The tablet app is available for free download from Google Play and the AppStore.

August 2022

Fresh myTime with Food Cover
While keeping with the weather, the August issue of myTime comes out with summery watermelon-mint sorbet on the cover. The M.O.I.N. Gang is also back and promises fun and excitement for the little ones, perhaps while traveling to one of the great featured destinations that can be reached with the €9 rail ticket!

July 2022

FORMAT meets Alsterwerk
At the beginning of July, the new Formaties were able to take a look behind the scenes at the Alsterwerk print shop. Together with the team of Alsterwerk, we have been realizing many great projects for years! A big thank you to the Alsterwerk for the little taster course.

July 2022

Happy Summer for Zertus News

The third issue of Zertus News is printed! Representing the sunny weather outside, the employee magazine of the Zertus Group is shining in lovely pink. In this bilingual magazine (German/English) the different food brands and international employees of the Zertus Group are put into focus. We certainly worked up an appetite while writing and designing it. Have fun reading it!

June 2022

FOKUS 2022 and interactive graphics published in the FOKUS PI App!

Once again, we developed the FOKUS social planning dossier for the Landkreis of Pinneberg for the year 2022. We are very proud of the extension of Pinneberg’s own app "FOKUS PI", which now includes interactive graphics. The intuitive navigation allows the user to easily grasp the social data. The app can be downloaded for free from Google Play and the AppStore.

May 2022

New coat of paint for MPC Capital

In May, the website of Hamburg based investment company MPC Capital's got a fresh look. The modern look highlights the company’s three investment fields - Real Estate, Renewables & Shipping!

May 2022

Union Investment: Ready, set, future

For the year 2021 we were commissioned to visually design the annual report for Union Investment. The company communicates important topics such as sustainability and the future of the investment market. We were responsible for the company portrait, the CSR report and the annual report.

April 2022

myTime for KIDS

From now on, the children's magazine "myTime for KIDS" can be found on the back of "myTime" every two months! What's inside? Lots of fun, knowledge and the adventures of the M.O.I.N. gang! In addition to the content and design of the magazine, the characters were developed by our creative minds.

April 2022

A sunny design for MPC Energy Solutions

The website, we developed for MPC Capital Energy Solutions, showcases the forward-looking renewable energy projects in Latin America and the Caribbean even better. A modern layout and intuitive navigation make it easier for visitors to make their sustainable investment decisions!

December 2021

The second issue is here

The current employee magazine of the Zertus Group takes a look at the strategies, channels and messages of the successful food brands under the title "Communication".

November 2021

For a quarter of a century ...

... the PAWLIK management consultancy has been focusing on people. We have set the scene for their credo "People make companies successful" in a chronicle of the company's 25-year history – with employees as the centrepiece of the design.

October 2021

There's soup!

In "Zelda Twilight Princess", Yeto cooks the best pumpkin soup in his mountain ruin. We filmed him for gTV EATS and reveal the ingredients and preparation – take a look! Click here for Yeto's pumpkin soup

July 2021

News hot off the press!

News hot off the press: The new employee magazine of the Zertus Group is here! We have implemented the complete relaunch of Zertus News for the professional in the production and marketing of high-quality food and beverages - a particularly "tasteful" read from the first headline to the last adhesive binding.

June 2021

Focus on social planning

We have been busy and have once again designed the planning dossier Fokus 2021 for the district of Pinneberg and published it in the app FOKUS PI! The app of the Social Planning Network is available for download in the AppStore and on Google Play!

May 2021

"Partners in change" ...

… is the theme of the company portrait that we were once again allowed to create for Union Investment this year. In addition to the traditional annual report, the investment company provides insights into its work in times of change:

April 2021

Ready to paint!

After HORST Farbe, HORST Lack is now ready for all wall deeds and provides fresh momentum with every brush stroke. We have created canisters and tins and can proudly announce: "The varnish is ready!"

March 2021

Cooking on Olympus

In March, we once again swung the wooden spoon for Ubisoft - for a delicious Greek moussaka! In Immortals Fenyx Rising, you help Fenyx free the enchanted gods and fight the titan Typhon, who wants to plunge the golden island into chaos. And by the way, there's something tasty to fortify you :) gTV EATS on YouTube

February 2021

The right advisors …

… for smart investments: Tonn Family Office insights into successful strategies in the real estate and logistics sector, in future topics such as new mobility and sustainability - exclusive and clear as the look of the first issue 2021.

January 2021

New year, new myTime!

We have packed the January issue of myTime - the Combi and famila customer magazine - full of fresh ideas: current trends, recipes to try out, tips for excursions and much more. Curious? or

December 2020

2 for HORST

We supported HORST with 2 projects at the end of the year: With the brand new "HORST Farbe" and the new packaging for the HORST DIY-Kits. For the colour, we helped with the design of the canister, naming and the website, etc. – and the DIY kits now shine in a stylish new outfit.

November 2020

Brand new: Compenyon has been launched

Digital training and professional development, anytime and everywhere: We supported the new foundation of our client Compenyon by finding a name and developing a distinctive corporate design.

October 2020

You've got mail!

For our customer Hamburg Sotheby's International Realty, we designed and sent a new mailshot in October. The 6-sided selfmailer with perforated voucher made its way to many households in Hamburg!

September 2020

New colors, new design

Our customer Carseo presents itself in a new and modernized look! We not only optimized the colors and the logo, but also redesigned the business equipment and gave the website a new look.


July 2020

Virtual exhibition

Last week the digital career fair "STICKS & STONES Digital 2020" took place. We supported Clifford Chance Careers in setting up a virtual exhibition stand.

June 2020

Fresh wind on!

The new responsive website, which we developed and designed for the Zertus Group, focuses even more on market units and brands - with revised content, a clear structure and a new layout.

June 2020

New food video for Ubisoft

We have created a new video game recipe for the YouTube channel "gTV EATS" from Ubisoft: The hero "Link" from the game "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" prepares a "meat skewer with mushrooms" to recharge his energy reserves.

May 2020

Welcome on board!

We have a new face at Format: Tanja Lau strengthens our consulting team with her South German élan and versatile know-how. We are looking forward to many joint projects with her!

April 2020

New website for traditional Hamburg-based company

With, we have helped the globally operating family business to establish a new web presence, so that customers can get a better overview of their range of services. The three divisions of the TER Group supply the chemical industry with primary products for further processing.

February 2020

Everything new on

Modern and maritime: We have given the website of Küstengold - the popular own brand of the Bünting Group - a fresh look. In addition to product information, news and interesting facts about the brand, there are also lots of recipes at

February 2020

Ubisoft has new YouTube channel

"gTV" is the name of Ubisoft's brand new YouTube channel. Here, gaming fans, and all those who want to become fans, can regularly expect exciting news from the world of video games. We contribute creative recipe instructions like the "Candy Cake" from the game "Rayman".

February 2020

On to Sylt!

The INSIDER - created by us - is the welcome for all guests who rent holiday homes or apartments marketed by Sylt Sotheby's International Realty and spend their holidays in one of the premium properties. The specially inserted calendar of events also contains the most important events of the year on Germany's largest North Sea island.

January 2020

New look for DZAG

The new website of Deutsche Zweitmarkt AG is online! Those interested in closed-end funds can now find even better information on the modern website

January 2020


We have new support for the consulting team! Sandra brings a lot of expertise and know-how as a senior consultant. Arriving from the south via Münster and the Netherlands, Annika is now on board with us as a trainee.

November 2019

We're happy for Clifford Chance!

Congratulations to Nicola v. Tschirnhaus and her Clifford Chance recruiting team for winning an HR Excellence Award! The campaign "GET ENERGIZED - WITH C" was awarded. Suitable candidates were approached with CC-labeld bananas.

September 2019

It's HORSTING again!

The third issue of the customer magazine DEIN HORST has arrived. For the magazine we have again worked on new DIY-projects and creative ideas. On 38 pages there are a lot of inspirations and products for the autumn season to try out and renovate.

August 2019

The Sculpture

Extravagant architecture distinguishes this exclusive property. For "The Sculpture", we have designed an exposé that captures the multitude of impressions and shows how a combination of nature and unique architecture succeeds.

Juli 2019

An app for the social planning of Kreis Pinneberg

Format works on the ongoing digitization of the administration: Together with the social planning of the Pinneberg district, we have developed Germany's first social planning app! FOKUS PI is now available for download from the App Store.

June 2019

New Zuckerraffinerie Tangermündebusiness report

We designed a new annual business report for the company. It breaks down the business year of the Zuckerraffinerie Tangermünde and presents key information on its many international subsidiaries, visualized through a modern, compelling design.

May 2019

New faces in our team

Good things come in threes! Martin enriches our graphic department with his creative talents, while Anouk and Katja back up our team of consultants with their energy and know-how. We are looking forward to lots of successful common projects!

April 2019

First issue of DEIN HORST

DIY-inspiration to go: we conceived a new customer magazine for HORST! DEIN HORST explores DIY-ideas and seasonal themes around the HORST product range on over thirty pages, offering fresh ideas for small and big handicraft and renovation projects.

March 2019

"Die Twiete" in Winterhude

In a small street in the middle of Winterhude, seven modern condominiums are being built. Between the stately villas, the new building is embedded in the Hudtwalckertwiete as a hidden gem. We have designed a high-quality exposé for "Die Twiete".

February 2019

EQTIV goes digital

We launched EQTIV’s new website! No more excuses – starting immediately, Georgia Grau offers her services as a coach, sport psychologist and personal trainer on We additionally conceived a brand name and logo for her.

January 2019

New members in our team

The new year starts off great and brings us two new employees. Alicia enriches us from now on with her creativity in graphics and Silvia provides her expertise in our consulting team! We are happy to have you with us!!!

December 2018

Enlightened Christmas party

It was colorful, funny and a bit crazy, our Christmas party 2018! We only say blacklight miniature golf, glow sticks, laser games! Of course, the four teams of Format Communications and Format Design had lots of fun and scored big time!

October 2018

HORST opens the doors

The journey begins – the new DIY market in Bahrenfeld is opened and we participated creatively: from various product packaging and beautiful postcards to one special after-work beer.

October 2018

New website for Aventus

The Aventus Akademie, located in Berlin and Frankfurt, specializes in initial and further training in the security and care sector. We helped our customer to update their company website.

September 2018

A new issue of Tonn Investment magazine

For our customer Tonn Investments, we have implemented the October issue of Tonn Investments magazine. Here investors can regularly inform themselves about industry trends and interesting investment concepts.

August 2018

The old carpentry rebuilt as residential building

Two new semi-detached houses will be brought to Hamburg's real estate market by Hamburg Sotheby's International Realty. For this new building in a Winterhuder backyard, we have designed the high-quality sales exposé.

July 2018

On to pastures new!

Inspired by the global campaign Linklaters’ German Recruiting division now sports a completely new look. The revamped corporate design is being used for recruiting brochures, online and print ads, as well as for the sparkling new recruitment website.  

July 2018

Our summer party was amazingly beautiful!

Together with our Format Design-colleagues we had a great pleasure. In the most beautiful weather, we were able to live out our rush of speed and our design dreams in a race with self-built soapboxes.

June 2018

The new Zertus News is out!

Sweet temptations digital - the new issue of Zertus News revolves around a new online shop for personalized sweets, the theme of superfood and lots of chocolate. We design the employee magazine of the Zertus Group twice a year.

June 2018

New auction platform launched

Full wind-power ahead - the new auction platform of our customer assettra is online! At, wind farm owners and potential buyers can trade shares in the wind and solar energy and find out about contact persons and processing options.

May 2018

Best Employer Branding

Where does your path lead? Ours leads us to victory once again! Congratulations to Linklaters - our client defended their 1st place position in the trendence Employer Branding Award 2018 in the "Best Employer Branding Lawyer” category.

May 2018

We Are Among the Top 100!

Hooray! Now it’s official. The PR sector is continuing to grow, and we’re growing with it. We are delighted that we have been included in the Top 100 PR agencies in Germany in Pfeffer's PR ranking.

May 2018

HORST is in town

Get yourself to HORST! HORST has everything you need for building, crafting and getting the job done. HORST gets straight down to business, HORST makes it easy! This year, a new DIY store is opening in Bahrenfeld, and we’re helping with recruiting.

April 2018

New at FORMAT!

Giulia combines Italian temperament and Nordic serenity in our consulting team. Stefan enriches our graphics team with innovative designs and his artistic talent. We are looking forward to many projects together!

February 2018

Encavis: New Corporate Identity

A new name, a new logo, a new company - The renewable energy companies Capital Stage and CHORUS Clean Energy have joined forces and are officially named Encavis as of March 1, 2018. In addition to the new name, we developed the corporate design.

February 2018

Relaunch of myTime

Sometimes it has to be something new! We relaunched the myTime client magazine. With a breath of fresh air and a new design, we bake, cook and write for the customers of the supermarket chains Famila, Combi and Co.

February 2018

Direct Marketing at Hamburg Alstertal

We operated Sotheby's International Realty direct marketing for Hamburg for the third time. More than 20,000 households receive our product and so have exclusive access to the offers of the luxury real estate provider.

December 2017

Merry Christmas!

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

December 2017

Christmas Party

We had a fabulous Christmas party in Grill-Kontor Hamburg with our favorite colleagues from Format Design. Now we know how to serve a delicious 3-course meal from the grill - it was a treat even for vegetarians!

December 2017

New Issue of Zertus News

On the pulse of the times - We designed a new edition of Zertus News for Zertus. Here you will find news around the topic of high-quality foods and beverages.

November 2017

Direct Investments

We designed a new platform for secondary market trading with direct investments for Deutsche Zweitmarkt AG. To trade swap bodies and containers, interested parties can register on the platform.

November 2017

E-charging Station at Hagebaumarkt

Sustainable mobility is very important in large cities such as Hamburg. We are therefore delighted that we equipped a charging station for electric cars with an appealing design for the Hagebaumarkt Möller & Förster.

October 2017

New Logo!

What is it? It’s an F! F for flair, F for fabulous, F for Format. We present our beautiful logo with its new design.

October 2017

Recruiting for Hagebaumarkt

At the job fair for job switchers, we helped the Hagebaumarkt Möller & Förster find suitable candidates. We developed the staff switching campaign and came up with a strategy.

August 2017

Website for NATURWERT Bio

NATURWERT Bio's website has been online since August. Here you will discover a great variety of high-quality and delicious organic products, free of genetic engineering and preservatives - and produced according to biological criteria.

June 2017

Relaunch of SMB Group Website

We launched a completely new website with a modern concept for the SMB Group. The logistical finesse of SMB and the sophisticated technologies of MBA can now be admired in a contemporary presentation on tablets and smartphones!

May 2017

New Image Brochure

Make it happen – we designed an image brochure for our client PAWLIK that captivates with a clear design and appealing texts.

May 2017

“Baking with Goldmarie“

Every month, our myTime editorial team bakes for the new myTime edition - now it's time to present delicious recipes in a collected form: in a cookery book. It’s called “Baking with Goldmarie” and was creatively supported by us. The cookery book can now be ordered.